janeiro 04, 2011


"[...] in our view, the existence of a real world that was not created in our imagination, and which continues to go about its business according to its own laws, independently of what humans think or do, is the primary experimental fact of all, without which there would be no point to physics or any other science. The whole purpose of science is learn what that reality is and what its laws are. [...] Any theory about reality can have no consequences testable by us unless it can also describe what humans can see and know. For example, special relativity theory implies that it is fundamentally impossible for us to have knowledge of any event that lies outside our past light cone. Although our ultimate goal is ontological, the process of achieving that goal necessarily involves the acquisition and processing of human information. This information processing aspect of science has not, in our view, been sufficiently stressed by scientists. [...] We suggest that the proper tool for incorporating human information into science is simply probability theory and not the currently taught "random variable" kind, but the original llogical inference" kind of James Bernoulli and Laplace. For historical reasons [...] this is often called "Bayesian inference". When supplemented by the notion of information entropy, this becomes a mathematical tool for scientific reasoning of such power and versatility that we think it will require Centuries to explore all its capabilities." E.T. Jaynes, Probability in Quantum Theory (1996)

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