julho 28, 2024


Everyday words are inherently imprecise. They work well enough in everyday life that you don't notice. Words seem to work, just as Newtonian physics seems to. But you can always make them break if you push them far enough. -- Paul Graham
When you get near the borders of definitions things get fuzzy, definitions become less than useful. -- Phil Plait

julho 24, 2024

Not choosing is not an option II

Some say that degrowth would be "unacceptable" to people in the global North.  But so was abolition, decolonisation, civil rights and, until recently, climate action.  We should not judge the value of a movement by what is politically palatable, but by what is just. -- Jason Hickel

julho 16, 2024

Not choosing is not an option

The question asked by serious political economy now is not ‘how do we perpetuate growth’, but rather, if it will be degrowth by design, or by disaster -- Ben Shread-Hewitt

julho 12, 2024

Blind Custodians

The planet’s apex predator is too stupid to understand he’s really just the gardener -- Charles St Pierre

julho 04, 2024


Art is how we decorate space, music is how we decorate time. -- Jean-Michel Basquiat